Friday, February 13, 2009

Baby Peanut

Joseph had told me he really wanted to wait and find out if we were having a boy or girl until the baby was born. I was opposed at first but as I started thinking about it, I liked the idea. It's the perfect time to try something new and who knows, it might be our last chance to be 'surprised' later rather than earlier.

Today I had my ultrasound appointment at 1:00 and last night Joseph changed his mind and said he couldn't stand to wait and so we should just find out. After some discussion I decided that we could and would wait until the birthday to see. My sister had told me it was a really neat experience to wait (she has waited for 2 out of her 6) and so now here I am post-ultrasound and nothing really to announce except my baby definitely has arms, legs, a heart, brain and supposedly kidneys although I couldn't really tell what the technician was showing there.

Joseph was sighting phantom 'boy parts' the entire time (umm, no Joseph that was the umbilical cord) so evidently he thinks it's a boy. It will be fun to argue, er I mean discuss boy names and girl names for the next 4 months or so. Until then I will call my baby... peanut.


Unknown said...

Be careful calling the baby might be a nickname that sticks after he is born. Besides, you said you think it is a boy too.

Margie and Mark said...

Mark used to call our ultrasound babies "rice kernals" so peanut is cute!

TxFrUeAnZ said...

How exciting! I wanted to wait but my husband didn't! funny!

Anna M said...

What a cute profile! (We called Spencer bean for awhile, and it has not caused any long lasting nickname damage.)

Tracie said...

You are much more patient than I. I could never wait. Good Luck and Congrats!!