Sunday, September 28, 2008

All about the kids

I forgot the camera for Solomon's first two games but I finally remembered it yesterday. I got some great photos, but the best one is this one of him scoring a goal, I can't believe how perfectly I captured it :)

Yesterday Adelaide came up to me and wanted to sing me a song she made up for me. She was being really cute dancing around with these balloons and singing.

The song was making me feel pretty good too...until the second verse. The first verse went something like this, "Mommy's the best mommy, she's so nice and fun. I love her so much." But then the second verse started, "My mommy's so nice except when she yells and is really mean." Needless to say the warm fuzzies were gone.

Today at church the babysitter that babysat for us last weekend came up and told me that when she was putting the girls to bed they asked if she would lay down with them until they fell asleep (something I do with my girls sometimes). So they were all laying there holding hands when Jocelyn said to our 15 year old babysitter. "Courtney, you are going to be such a great mom."


Tati said...

I love these stories! Cute pictures and scrapping! We need to scrap together again sometime!

Joella said...

Great Pages! You are such a great mom! :)

Barlow Fam said...

Yeah! So glad to have you to stalk! : )

Ginny said...

Children make us proud and humble us also.