Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Family that sings together...

I love singing. I have always dreamed about having sing alongs with my kids and singing songs together at church. I had really just about given up on those dreams as my son Solomon seems to really have a strong dislike for singing (it's like pulling teeth to get him to sing anything!) But today Joseph and I were asked to speak in church and I thought it would be nice if our family sang a primary song in French together. I admit at first I was just going to sing with Jocelyn but Joseph said we should try singing together. We practiced and it didn't sound half bad so we sang altogether. Thanks family for making one of my dreams come true :)


Tati said...

That's wonderful! I'm sure you sounded great. I'm glad the whole family sang.

I'm glad you are posting :)

Joella said...

Wonderful! I wish we could've been there to hear it!

Tracie said...

You are blessed to have such a talented family. I fear that my children have inherited my ear for music. And I don't have one!!

Ginny said...

I wish I could have been there. I always had a similar dream but the problem was my voice. At Christmas I want us to go caroling. My dream. You can make it a reality!