Tuesday, February 6, 2007

{Good Mom Day}

Why is it that I feel like I am a good mother on the days where my children play together nicely, we do fun things together and everything goes smoothly. If you really think about it I should feel like a good mom on the days when my kids are being rotten but I somehow manage to stay calm and patient. But at any rate today was a good day. The kids played together really nicely, I played some fun games with them. In general a good mom day.

This past weekend we had a break from the gray skies and rainy weather. I decided we had to take advantage of that. We thought about making a run for Eurodisney but decided that we should save that for when we can get the discount tickets. Instead we went to a big park in Paris called La Jardin d’Acclimatation. We had a great time. There was a little amusement park area, menagerie, playgrounds. Afterwards we walked around downtown Paris. I was looking for this beautiful coat I saw a few weeks ago but we didn’t find me one. But on the bright side we found a really good boulangerie to eat at and I had my first Croque Messieur, tasty. On the way home we found a video rental place near us. We rented Nanny McPhee and watched it with the kids. Loved it, maybe I’m twisted but I had a good laugh when the kids were ‘eating’ the baby.

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